INDC Viet Nam


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INDC Viet Nam

October 13, 2015

In 2012, the National Green Growth Strategy was approved, which includes mitigation targets and measures; and regulations on linking with international carbon markets. In 2013, the Law on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control was enacted, aiming to address diverse natural hazards that affect the country, which are primarily climate change related. The 2014 Law on Environment includes a full chapter on climate change. The development and implementation the above-mentioned policies and activities to respond to climate change relies mainly on domestic human and financial resources. Viet Nam’s INDC includes a mitigation and an adaptation component. The mitigation
component includes both unconditional and conditional contributions. The unconditional contributions are measures that will be implemented using domestic resources, while the conditional contributions are measures that could be implemented if new and additional international financial support, technology transfer and capacity building are received. Viet Nam’s INDC identifies the GHG reduction pathway in the 2021-2030 period. With domestic resources GHG emissions will be reduced by 8% by 2030 compared to the Business as Usual scenario (BAU). The above-mentioned contribution could be increased up to 25% with international support.
The adaptation component describes the climate change adaptation actions that are currently being implemented. It also identifies adaptation gaps in terms of institutional and policy arrangements, financing, human resource capacity and technology and prioritized adaptation measures for the 2021-2030 period. It is estimated that the national budget will be able to meet approximately one third of the financial needs to implement adaptation measures in this period, and will seek international support and private sector investment for the remainder.
Viet Nam’s INDC has been developed with the participation and contributions from different line ministries, non-governmental organisations, research institutions, business sector representatives as well as international development partners. Through this INDC, Viet Nam reaffirms its willingness to respond to climate change and contribute to the objective of the UNFCCC. Viet Nam believes its contribution is fair and ambitious, feasible and achievable. It is committed to continuing to address climate change based on domestic resources and international support.

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Regions and Countries